Thursday 16 June 2016

AUTOCAD Draftsman Interview Question And Answers

AUTOCAD is one of the commonly used software to create shapes in different views. The Draftsman interview contains common questions as every company need a guy to perform drawings. So we have collected Questions and Answers to help candidates who are appearing for interviews. Normally Manufacturing companies only hire such people and they don’t ask you deep queries in AUTOCAD but if you are applying for an software company you can expect difficult questions. So we prepared this post to help you on answering both of the Questions.


Its a Platform Developed by Autodesk Softwares to create 2D and 3D models with dimensions required. We can create our imaginary models using various tools and in companies its used to create machine drawings, spare parts drawings, tools drawings. This drawings will be used for companies to give to vendors to make an exact product as per the drawings.

Various Formats Of AUTOCAD

Normally AUTOCAD drawings will be saved in .dwg format. Some drawings will have to the .dxf format (Drawing Exchange format )which cannot be edited.

History Of AUTOCAD
The history of AUTOCAD dates back to 1982 when the first version was launched. After that around 29 versions are released so far including the last release of AUTOCAD 2015.

Questions for DRAFTSMAN Job

1,  What is the command for UNDO option –  REDO

2, Command to Zoom in 50% – Zoom 1/2x

3, Difference between DTEXT and MTEXT – Dtext – Single lined Text , Mtext – Multiline Text with more options

4, What is .ctb File – Color Settings file used with AUTOCAD

5, What is difference between associated hatching and non associated hatching – The former moves with the boundary where the later did not

6, Difference between Divide and measure command – Divide command is for dividing a line in equal dimension where measure is used to break lines as per our requirement.

7, The default workspace for AUTUCAD – My workspace

8, The key for cycle through snap points – TAB Key

9, AUTOCAD Drawing units – Architectural, Decimal, Engineering etc

10, Settings used for Polar Tracking – Increment and Additional Angles
11, What is the use of HOT grip – Move, Rotate, Scale

12, Steps to move a object – Point where it should be moved then use displacement option. Now select the object to be moved and then place it there.

13, What command is used for Copying many objects – COPY

14, Various Filters – Group Filters, Property Filters, Layer standard Filters

15, Where to find the Units options – Format -> Units

16, Format for Drawing Limits – <0.00,0.00>

17, Which key will switch off the Gridlines – F7

18, Options for Visual Reference – GRID, SNAP Mode

19, To remove objects which command is used – ERASE

20, How to repeat a Command – Right click will bring a list in which first one will be the repeat command

Please share in your comments if you have experienced any questions in interview so that it will help people who will be appearing for the personal interview.

Also please correct us if we made any mistakes in the above questions.

Thank you.

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